Harvey Mudd Goldwater Scholars

The Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation 由国会于1986年设立,作为纪念参议员巴里·戈德华特一生工作的活纪念碑, who served his country for 56 years as a soldier and statesman, including 30 years in the U.S. Senate.

为有意从事自然科学研究的大学二年级和三年级学生提供奖学金, mathematics and engineering, the Goldwater Foundation is helping ensure that the U.S. is producing the number of highly-qualified professionals the Nation needs in these critical fields. Over its 30-year history, Goldwater Scholarships have been awarded to thousands of undergraduates, 他们中的许多人后来赢得了其他著名奖项,比如国家科学基金会的研究生奖学金, Rhodes Scholarship, 丘吉尔奖学金和国防科学与工程研究生奖学金,支持我们的太阳2平台的研究生学业. Today, Goldwater alumni can be found conducting research that is helping defend the Nation, finding cures for catastrophic diseases and teaching future generations of scientists, mathematicians and engineers.

Sydney Porto ’24 (chemistry and biology), awarded in 2023

Sydney Porto ’24, an aspiring physician-scientist at Harvey Mudd College, is the recipient of a Barry Goldwater Scholarship, the most prestigious national award for undergraduate STEM researchers. The award for undergraduate U.S. sophomores and juniors covers the cost of tuition, fees, books, and room and board up to $7,500 per year.

Since summer 2022, Porto has worked in the lab of Michael J. Lee in the Department of Systems Biology at the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School. “我的项目重点是了解在应用生长因子靶向治疗后非小细胞肺癌细胞的致死性机制,” she says. She will continue work in the Lee Lab this summer.

Porto, a chemistry and biology major with a classics concentration, also conducted research at Harvey Mudd during her sophomore year in the Schulz Lab. Danae Schulz, associate professor of biology, 研究非洲锥虫,以了解寄生虫从在哺乳动物中表达可变蛋白到在苍蝇中表达不变蛋白时发生的变化. With Hannah Betts ’23, 波尔图测试了一种内源性过表达方法,这种方法有可能用于未来的基因筛选.

Schulz says, “I’ve known Sydney since she was a first-year student at Harvey Mudd, and I was immediately impressed with her intellect, drive and dedication. She is a delight to work with in the lab; she’s curious and purposeful while performing experiments, and she is able to work through technical difficulties without becoming discouraged. This resilience is essential for someone taking on the difficult career path she aspires to.”

In addition to her time in the lab, Porto works at the Harvey Mudd Writing Center as an Academic Excellence biology tutor. After HMC, she plans to pursue an M.D./PhD in the field of cancer biology. “Ultimately, 我希望成为一名内科科学家,在肿瘤学领域进行临床相关的研究,” she says.

Albany Blackburn ’23 (physics), awarded in 2022

Albany Blackburn

Albany Blackburn ’23, a Harvey Mudd College physics major, is the recipient of a Barry Goldwater Scholarship, the most prestigious national award for undergraduate STEM researchers. The award for undergraduate U.S. sophomores and juniors covers the cost of tuition, fees, books, and room and board up to $7,500 per year. This year, 417 scholarships were awarded from a candidate pool of 5,000 U.S. sophomores and juniors.

Nominated by faculty mentors, Blackburn is interested in pursuing a career in academia, teaching physics and doing research at the university level. 她正在和物理学教授Brian Shuve一起进行研究,以证明他们提出的搜索方法在粒子对撞机实验中很有可能找到暗物质粒子. “Our method involves reconstructing the decays of long-lived particles, which gives us high sensitivity to a wide range of possible dark matter models,” says Blackburn.

She has also conducted research with HMC engineering professor Leah Mendelson and Texas A&M University professor Jeremy Holt. With Mendelson, she wrote code to calibrate a camera array used for particle image velocimetry. With Holt, she used machine learning techniques to calculate the nuclear equations of state for neutron stars.

Outside of academics, Blackburn is a residential life mentor, 担任学术卓越物理导师,并作为学生事务部成员帮助策划学生活动.

After graduating, she plans to attend graduate school to earn a PhD in particle physics.

Tonatiuh Gonzalez ’22 (mathematics and biology), awarded in 2021

Tonatiuh Gonzalez ’22, a math and computational biology major, is doing research with Eliot Bush, who studies microbial genome evolution. “我们的研究是重建细菌的进化史,并确定可能赋予细菌环境或抗菌抗性或增加毒性的事件,” says Gonzalez, who intends to pursue either an M.D. or PhD in computational biology and conduct research in disease genomics. His career interests include cancer research and practicing medicine. In 2020, Gonzalez was named an HMC Outstanding Emerging Leader for demonstrating collaboration, integrity, respect and support.

Jacob Kelber ’23 (chemistry), awarded in 2021

Jacob Kelber ’23, a chemistry major, worked during summer 2020 with Katherine Van Heuvelen to develop new, environmentally friendly catalysts for important reactions. “我的研究目标是通过计算筛选一种催化剂,用于解毒潜在致癌的工业污染物过氯乙烯和三氯乙烯,” says Kelber, who also worked with chemistry professors Hal Van Ryswyk (HMC) and Nathan C. Gianneschi (Northwestern). “I was able to successfully find an iron-based catalyst and model its reaction with PCE and TCE.” With a goal of teaching at the university level, Kelber intends to pursue a PhD in chemistry and continue research in chemical science. “我想把这项研究的重点放在寻找捕获大气中二氧化碳和其他温室气体的方法上,或者找到一种可持续的方法来处理我们的塑料垃圾.”

Hanna Porter ’22 (chemistry), awarded in 2021

Hanna Porter ’22, a chemistry major, is working in both Hal Van Ryswyk’s chemistry lab and Tom Donnelly’s physics research group. “我在Van Ryswyk教授的实验室参与了通过脉冲场梯度核磁共振确定量子点尺寸的研究,并在Donnelly教授的实验室开发了用于气相石墨烯合成的rf等离子体反应器,” says Porter, 因其学术成就和对太阳2平台的贡献而被授予HMC普拉特奖. This summer, 她将在康奈尔大学的一个名为PARADIM(加速实现平台)的国家科学基金会研究机会中研究电子显微镜, Analysis, and Discovery of Interface Materials), 它致力于发现和制造具有自然界中不存在的前所未有的性能的材料. Upon graduation, Porter plans to obtain a PhD in physical chemistry or materials science. 她对开展材料科学研究感兴趣,以调查能源存储解决方案和新型可再生能源,以应对气候变化.

Anna Soper ’22, (physics and mathematics), awarded in 2021

Anna Soper ’22, physics and math major and a member of Lori Bassman’s research team, is studying metal alloys and working on computationally simulating their compositions and structures. “My current research is in the field of computational materials science, 在那里我正在研究一种新型不锈钢替代品中的脆性sigma相通过添加铝而不稳定的化学和结构机制, producing a useful, ductile alloy,” Soper says. In collaboration with Bassman, physics professor Nicholas Breznay and Jonas Kaufman ’17, 她开发了一个复杂的sigma相模型,可以预测不同原子种类优先占据的晶格位置, 允许研究人员研究可能导致sigma相不稳定的键长和电荷分布的局部变化. This summer, 在申请研究生院之前,索珀将在加州理工学院从事非线性光子学和光学计算方面的研究, where she’ll pursue a PhD in experimental atomic, molecular and optical physics.

戈德华特奖学金是与国防部国防教育项目和巴里·戈德华特奖学金和卓越教育基金会合作的结果. 表彰参议员巴里·戈德华特的奖学金项目旨在培养和鼓励优秀学生在数学领域从事职业, the natural sciences and engineering. All Harvey Mudd sophomores and juniors are eligible to compete for the Goldwater Scholarship.

Aria Beaupre ’21 (mathematics), awarded in 2020

Aria Beaupre '21

Aria Beaupre ’21, a Harvey Mudd College mathematics major known for making math joyful, accessible and inspiring on campus and beyond, is the recipient of a Barry Goldwater Scholarship, the most prestigious national award for undergraduate STEM researchers. The award for undergraduate U.S. sophomores and juniors covers the cost of tuition, fees, books, and room and board up to $7,500 per year. This year, 396 scholarships were awarded to college students across the United States.

自入学第一年起,博普雷就充分利用了学院的许多研究机会. During her first year, she worked with Rachel Levy, former HMC professor of mathematics, 数学教育研究的重点是将数学建模融入小学数学课程. Beaupre worked with Michael Orrison, professor of mathematics, on voting theory research—the mathematics behind elections. 他们致力于创建新的投票程序,并分析其属性以及与其他投票程序的关系. During summer 2019, Beaupre participated in a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) with David Milan, associate professor of mathematics at the University of Texas at Tyler. 他们研究了半群,并研究了马尔可夫子位移逆壳的一般特征.

Last year, the Department of Mathematics selected Beaupre to receive the Alvin White Prize, which is given to those who have contributed to the humanistic side of the mathematics community, both on campus and beyond. The citation notes more of Beaupre’s accomplishments:

“… Aria completed a book on math modeling for principals. 她和Athena Li ' 21还为MAA时事通讯写了一篇文章,描述了她们参加全国数学会议并鼓励本科生参加的经历. In 2018, she was hired to build community in the new HMC REU. 她的工作对其他学校的学生尤其重要,因为他们在校园里没有朋友. She also has been communicative about her love of mathematics through several efforts, including the great fractal photos on display in the Borrelli Lounge …”


“This scholarship was achieved with the help of so many people,” says Beaupre, who plans to attend graduate school for theoretical mathematics. Her goal is to become a mathematics professor. “I am very grateful to my research advisors and the professors here at Mudd, for giving me countless opportunities to learn and grow as a mathematician. 我还要感谢伊顿维尔学区的所有老师,是他们点燃了我对学术的热爱.”

From an estimated pool of over 5,000 college sophomores and juniors, 1,343 natural science, 工程和数学专业的学生由461所学术机构提名,竞争2020年戈德华特奖学金. Of students who reported, 191 of the Scholars are men, 203 are women, and virtually all intend to obtain a PhD as their highest degree objective. Fifty Scholars are mathematics and computer science majors, 287 are majoring in the natural sciences, and 59 are majoring in engineering. 许多太阳2平台在主要期刊上发表了他们的研究成果,并在专业学会会议上介绍了他们的工作.

戈德华特奖学金是与国防部国防教育计划(NDEP)和巴里·戈德华特奖学金和卓越教育基金会合作的结果. With the 2020 awards, 这使得自1989年以来,戈德华特基金会颁发的奖学金数量达到9047个,奖学金总额超过7100万美元.

表彰参议员巴里·戈德华特的奖学金项目旨在培养和鼓励优秀学生在数学领域从事职业, the natural sciences and engineering. All Harvey Mudd sophomores and juniors are eligible to compete for the Goldwater Scholarship, which is awarded on the basis of academic merit. The HMC Department Chairs Committee nominates up to four students annually.

Havi Ellers ’20 (mathematics), awarded in 2019

Havi Ellers

Havi Ellers, a junior majoring in mathematics at Harvey Mudd College, is the recipient of a Barry Goldwater Scholarship, the most prestigious national award for undergraduate STEM researchers. The award for undergraduate U.S. sophomores and juniors covers the cost of tuition, fees, books, and room and board up to $7,500 per year. This year, 496 scholarships were awarded to college students across the United States.

Ellers was a Goldwater Scholarship Honorable Mention recipient last year. Over the summer of 2018, 她在美国国家科学基金会本科生研究经历项目中从事数论研究(限定maass - poincar系列的痕迹)&M University. There, she worked with one other undergraduate and faculty mentor/associate professor Riad Masri.

During summer 2017, she participated in the WADE Into Research program for undergraduates at Wake Forest University. There, 她与另外三名本科生和教师顾问凯瑟琳·汤普森(Katherine Thompson,现就职于卡耐基梅隆大学)一起研究二次型的数学对象. 埃勒斯说,她计划攻读纯数学博士学位——“希望这能让世界变得更美好”——然后成为一所大学的数学教授和研究员.

“I am honored to have been awarded the Goldwater scholarship, and am grateful to everyone who has helped and encouraged me in my pursuit of mathematics,” says Ellers, a former competitive gymnast who started a gymnastics club at Harvey Mudd, plays piano and is fluent in casual Japanese. “In a practical sense, the scholarship will help me to pay for my last year of school, 写申请的过程也给了我宝贵的机会来组织我对数学的思考.”

From an estimated pool of over 5,000 college sophomores and juniors, 1,223 natural science, 工程和数学专业的学生被443所学术机构提名,参加2019年金水奖学金的竞争. Of students who reported, 241 of the Scholars are men, 252 are women, and virtually all intend to obtain a PhD as their highest degree objective. Sixty-two Scholars are mathematics and computer science majors, 360 are majoring in the natural sciences, and 74 are majoring in engineering. 许多太阳2平台在主要期刊上发表了他们的研究成果,并在专业学会会议上介绍了他们的工作.

作为与国防部国防教育计划(NDEP)合作的结果, 巴里·戈德华特奖学金和卓越教育基金会宣布,其受托人将2019-2020学年颁发的戈德华特奖学金数量增加了一倍多. “因为确保国家拥有维持其全球竞争力和安全所需的科学人才至关重要, we saw partnering with the Goldwater Foundation as a way to help ensure the U.S. is developing this talent,” said Jagadeesh Pamulapati, director of the NDEP program, about the new partnership. With the 2019 awards, this brings the number of scholarships awarded since 1989 by the Goldwater Foundation to 8,628 and a scholarship total to over $68 million.

表彰参议员巴里·戈德华特的奖学金项目旨在培养和鼓励优秀学生在数学领域从事职业, the natural sciences and engineering. All Harvey Mudd sophomores and juniors are eligible to compete for the Goldwater Scholarship, which is awarded on the basis of academic merit. The HMC Department Chairs Committee nominates up to four students annually.

Leah Stevenson ’19 (chemistry), awarded in 2018

Leah Stevenson

Leah Stevenson ’19, an aspiring chemist at Harvey Mudd College, is the recipient of a Barry Goldwater Scholarship, the most prestigious national award for undergraduate STEM researchers. The award for undergraduate U.S. sophomores and juniors covers the cost of tuition, fees, books, and room and board up to $7,500 per year. This year, 211 scholarships were awarded and 281 nominees were named as Honorable Mentions, including Havi Ellers ’20.

Stevenson is both an active researcher and leader at Harvey Mudd. She is a chemistry tutor for Academic Excellence, 他是克莱蒙特学院管弦乐队的音乐家,也是克莱蒙特学院图书馆学生利益相关者委员会的成员. She’s also a recipient of the Department of Chemistry’s William G. Sly Prize, which recognizes her curiosity, intellectual integrity and enthusiasm for chemistry.

This year, 史蒂文森获得了美国国家标准与技术研究所的暑期本科生研究奖学金,这使她有机会与托马斯J. Bruno, 应用化学与材料部流体实验特性组组长. She will study the phase properties of biofuels via NIST’s composition-explicit distillation curve, a technique that provides an energy content channel in addition to the volatility of a fuel. Stevenson will have the opportunity to become an expert at gas chromatography, mass spectrometry and many other analytical techniques.

During summer 2017, Stevenson worked with Dr. 约翰·科特在太平洋西北国家实验室,以改善复杂的生物油混合物的表征使用异核磁共振波谱.

“The conversion of biomass into liquid fuels is of interest as a source of sustainable energy, 了解这些混合物的化学成分以及它们的成分对用作燃料的相关特性的影响是很重要的,” says Stevenson. “核磁共振波谱是阐明生物油成分及其化学结构的有力工具. I collected, processed and analyzed HSQC NMR spectra of bio-oils as well as possible components. 我在Python中开发并实现了一个算法,将组分的光谱与生物油光谱中的特征相匹配,从而可以区分单个分子组分.”

她在太阳2平台与Gerald Van Hecke ' 61和Kerry Karukstis教授的研究涉及到研究慢性分子的自组装过程, 一类可溶芳香化合物,通过分子间相互作用在溶液中堆积形成柱状聚集体. 史蒂文森使用静态光散射与折射率测量和荧光光谱相结合,以了解更多太阳2注册平台这种堆叠过程在慢性系统.


Daniel Johnson ’18 (computer science and mathematics), awarded in 2017

Daniel Johnson

太阳2注册平台“防机器人”职业的讨论通常集中在人们如何在一个越来越多地使用机器人劳动力取代人类的社会中保持自己的相关性. Where others see an automation apocalypse, Daniel Johnson, a junior at Harvey Mudd College, sees opportunity.

作为巴里·戈德华特奖学金(Barry Goldwater scholarship)的获得者,约翰逊将利用人工智能和机器学习来解决复杂的问题。这是面向STEM本科生研究人员的最负盛名的国家奖项. The award covers the cost of tuition, fees, books, and room and board up to $7,500 per year. Rachael Kretsch ’18 received a Goldwater Honorable Mention.

The 2017 Goldwater Scholars were selected based on academic merit from a field of 1,286 natural sciences, mathematics and engineering students nominated by the campus representatives from among 2,000 colleges and universities nationwide. Of those reporting, 133 of the Scholars are men, 103 are women, and virtually all intend to obtain a PhD as their highest degree objective. Twenty-two Scholars are mathematics majors, 153 are science and related majors, 51 are majoring in engineering and 14 are computer science majors. Many of the Scholars, like Johnson and Kretsch, have dual majors in a variety of STEM fields.

A joint computer science and math major, 约翰逊是数学学术卓越项目(帮助学生学习数学核心课程)的导师,也是计算机科学课程神经网络的导师.Johnson与工程学教授David Harris和一组其他学生一起进行了太阳2注册平台开放核处理器设计验证的研究,并与计算机科学教授Robert Keller一起设计了一个基于神经网络的即兴爵士乐旋律系统.

Johnson is working on a neural network model he developed that can manipulate graphical states, which he hopes will allow neural networks to reason abstractly about the structures in data. This summer, 约翰逊在旧金山的Cruise Automation公司实习,将使用机器学习技术为自动驾驶汽车编程.

Christopher Hoyt ’18 (mathematics), awarded in 2016

Christopher Hoyt

Christopher Hoyt, 工业与应用数学学会HMC分会数学俱乐部财务主管,数学系评分员, 对哈维马德大学数学教授的指导和提供的机会表示感谢, Talithia Williams and Art Benjamin) and University of Wyoming (Carolyn Rasmussen and Anne Sylvester).

“In past summers, I worked with Dr. Sylvester and Dr. Rasmussen在怀俄明大学工作,目的是利用各种显微镜方法分析玉米突变体的表型,” says Hoyt. “The first summer, I found that a particular Maize mutant named Warty2 had direct connections to Maize’s ability to withstand drought stress. The second summer, I conducted research on TANGLED, a mutant that alters the cell division orientation, causing the cells to become disorganized in the leaves of mature plants. Last year, I worked with Dr. Rasmussen再次在加州大学河滨分校进行了研究,目的是开发一种计算方法,可以拍摄细胞图像,并产生未来分裂地点的近似值.”

This summer, 霍伊特将在博尔德的国家标准与技术研究所(NIST) 2016年夏季本科生研究奖学金项目中进行研究, Colorado. During this prestigious 11-week program, Hoyt将与Jeanne Quimby和计量无线小组合作,使用NIST的机器人系统进行无线传播信道的测量,以开发下一代无线蜂窝通信系统的标准.

Jonas Kaufman ’17 (physics), awarded in 2016

Jonas Kaufman

A member of engineering Professor Lori Bassman’s research team, physics major Jonas Kaufman is helping develop novel high entropy alloys, 金属合金的一个家族,有可能取代许多传统的合金,由于非常优越的性能,可以量身定制的特定应用. 他的研究重点是通过从头算原子模拟来模拟这些合金的力学性能.

“我一直在开发计算复杂合金的广义层错能的技术, which can be used to predict and understand their deformation behavior,” says Kaufman. “我们正在与悉尼新南威尔士大学材料科学与工程学院进行研究合作, Australia. 我去年夏天在那里做计算,今年夏天将回来做实验工作.”

Kaufman, who is active on campus as a dorm president and a facilitator for Academic Excellence, 期待在获得材料科学与工程博士学位后,在大学水平上进行计算和实验材料的研究和教学.

Dina Sinclair ’17 (mathematics), awarded in 2016

Dina Sinclair

数学专业的迪娜·辛克莱(Dina Sinclair)在过去两年中一直与数学教授雷切尔·利维(Rachel Levy)一起研究计算流体动力学. 他们的研究着眼于肺部表面活性剂的建模方法,以便医生更好地了解如何治疗肺部表面活性剂缺乏的早产儿.

Sinclair, a facilitator for Academic Excellence, Office of Admission tour guide and dorm mentor, 将在今年夏天波士顿举行的工业与应用数学学会年会上展示她的研究成果.

For the Goldwater, 她写了一份提案,着眼于使用线性规划和微分方程模型来优化在小型非恒定人口中的水和卫生援助分配, such as refugee camps.

“我非常感谢列维教授和其他在研究过程中指导我的人,他们激励我不断寻找利用数学建模来改善我们生活的世界的方法,” says Sinclair, 2016年春季学期,她住在一个寄宿家庭,在马德里卡洛斯三世大学学习计算机科学和社会学.

表彰参议员巴里·戈德华特的奖学金项目旨在培养和鼓励优秀学生在数学领域从事职业, the natural sciences and engineering. All Harvey Mudd sophomores and juniors are eligible to compete for the Goldwater Scholarship, which is awarded on the basis of academic merit. The Department Chairs Committee nominates up to four students annually.

Timothy Middlemas ’17 (physics), awarded in 2015

Timothy Middlemas


Middlemas, a physics major, received a 2015 Goldwater Scholarship, which covers the cost of tuition, fees, books, and room and board up to $7,500 per year. He performed cross-disciplinary research with Professor of Chemistry Robert Cave, investigating multi-state effects in chemical reactions. In many chemical processes, so-called “non-adiabaticity” effects are the essence of the electron transfer (ET) problem, determining their distance- and orientation-dependencies.They all use some approximation to calculate the electronic coupling element, and are typically difficult to calculate accurately. Approximation methods are ubiquitous, but formal tests of their accuracy are difficult to come by.Middlemas worked on a one-dimensional, 可以计算精确波函数的两点模型,即两个δ函数势.

“Tim’s model, though simple, 提供了对电子耦合计算的近似方法进行严格测试的可能性,因为可以获得精确的波函数并计算出它们的核导数(数值)。,” says Cave. “蒂姆在一个夏天就取得了这样的进步,并获得了一个可以回答电子转移中重要问题的工作代码,这在我的经验中是罕见的. He has a passion for doing science and doing it well, and is an exemplary recipient of this award.”


The Goldwater Scholars were selected on the basis of academic merit from a field of 1,206mathematics, 由全国高校院系提名的理工科学生. One hundred forty-five of the Scholars are men, 115 are women and virtually all intend to obtain a PhD as their degree objective.

Samuel Gutekunst ’14 (mathematics), awarded in 2013

太阳2平台的三名大三学生获得了最负盛名的国家科学本科生研究奖, mathematics and engineering.

Samuel Gutekunst ’14, a mathematics major, and Sheena Patel ’14, a physics major, have been awarded Goldwater Scholarships for the 2013-2014 academic year, it was announced by the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation in March. Andrew Patrick Turner ’14, a mathematics and physics major, received an honorable mention.

All college sophomores and juniors are eligible to compete for the scholarships, which provide a maximum of $7,500 each year for one or two years to cover tuition, fees, books and room and board. Each year, HMC nominates up to four students for the Goldwater Scholarship Program. The Department Chairs Committee serves as the nominating body.

The 271 Goldwater Scholars were selected on the basis of academic merit from a field of 1,107 mathematics, 由全国高校院系提名的理工科学生. One hundred seventy-six of the scholars are men, 95 are women and virtually all intend to obtain a PhD as their degree objective.

“HMC社区很高兴塞缪尔和希娜被任命为戈德华特太阳2平台,安德鲁获得了荣誉奖,” said Jeff Groves, vice president of academic affairs and dean of faculty. “We have a long institutional history with the Goldwater Scholarship Program. In the last 10 years, 16 of our students have been recognized by the program as outstanding young researchers and leaders. Harvey Mudd College is honored to participate.”

Gutekunst 曾与数学教授迈克尔·奥里森和大卫·林根布林克合作过一个涉及投票理论的研究项目. “This project, and the exciting voting theory it exposed us to, formed the basis for my personal statement and Goldwater application. HMC教授Dagan Karp和东田纳西州立大学数学教授Anant Godbole也帮助我成为一名研究人员和数学家. I do not think I would have had any chance at winning this award without the enthusiasm, support and knowledge of these three professors.” Gutekunst has served as an HMC Honor Board representative, tutored students from his hometown via Skype, 参加了天主教牧灵委员会会议,并担任2015届新生的介绍人. 他有兴趣攻读数学博士学位,并最终在大学水平上进行教学和研究.

Sheena Patel ’14 (physics), awarded in 2013

Sheena Patel

Since her first year, Patel has worked in the magnetism research group with physics professors James Eckert and Patricia Sparks. 去年,她在韩国举行的国际磁学会议上展示了她对钴和镍薄膜多层的研究. “I love the research I do and it is exciting to see that other people think this is meaningful work,” she said. “埃克特教授和斯帕克斯教授给了我一个机会,让我找到一个我觉得非常有趣的研究项目,不仅了解了这些磁性材料, but about how to be a research scientist.”

Kevin William O’Neill ’13 (mathematics), awarded in 2012

Kevin O-Neill

O’Neill, a math major, intends to earn a doctorate in mathematics, potentially focusing on analysis or topology, and eventually teaching at the university level.

Last summer, 他曾与数学教授弗朗西斯·苏和罗莎莉·卡尔森' 13在一个研究项目中,他们研究圆弧的集合和他们的图形,以解决投票理论中的一个问题.

“It was a great experience that served as an introduction to how you approach an open problem,” he said. “I’ve taken a lot of good classes, but this project was a highlight.”

This summer, O’Neill will participate in math research at Penn State University. Next year, 他将与苏一起进行代数拓扑研究,并与达甘·卡普一起完成一篇太阳2注册平台热带几何的论文, assistant professor of mathematics.

O’Neill is among 282 Goldwater Scholars chosen from a field of 1,123 math, 由全国高校教师提名的理工科学生. Selected based upon merit, this year’s Scholars include 194 students majoring in science and related majors, 58 engineering majors, 20 math majors and 10 computer science majors.One hundred seventy-four of the Scholars are men, 108 are women, and all intend to pursue doctorate degrees.

Lucas Tyler Brady ’13 (physics), awarded in 2012

Lucas Brady

Brady, a physics major, plans to earn a doctorate in theoretical physics and is considering becoming a professor at a small, undergraduate school.

“I don’t know what field of physics I want to focus on, although quantum theory, high energy physics, string theory and numerous similar disciplines are possible,” he said.

During his sophomore year, Brady worked in physics Professor Thomas Donnelly’s lab, studying the properties of Mie-scale particles for potential applications in small-scale, laser-driven fusion. He traveled last summer to Virginia to work in the theory wing at Jefferson National Lab, a particle accelerator facility. This year, 他在特蕾莎·林恩领导的研究小组中从事量子信息的理论和计算工作, associate professor of physics. Brady also serves as a physics tutor for HMC’s Academic Excellence program.

Brady is among 282 Goldwater Scholars chosen from a field of 1,123 math, 由全国高校教师提名的理工科学生. Selected based upon merit, this year’s Scholars include 194 students majoring in science and related majors, 58 engineering majors, 20 math majors and 10 computer science majors.One hundred seventy-four of the Scholars are men, 108 are women, and all intend to pursue doctorate degrees.

Isabel Frances Bush ’12 (engineering), awarded in 2011

Bush is among 282 Goldwater Scholars chosen from a field of 1,123 math, 由全国高校教师提名的理工科学生. Selected based upon merit, this year’s Scholars include 194 students majoring in science and related majors, 58 engineering majors, 20 math majors and 10 computer science majors.One hundred seventy-four of the Scholars are men, 108 are women, and all intend to pursue doctorate degrees.

Matthew Joseph Keeter ’11 (engineering), awarded in 2010

Keeter, an engineering major, intends to earn a master’s or PhD in some facet of electrical or computer engineering. He looks forward to working on cutting-edge research in industry or academia.

During the spring semester, Keeter worked on hardware multipliers, which involved a set of different designs, and used various programs to automatically optimize them for a fair comparison. 该项目由Clay-Wolkin奖学金资助,该奖学金为学生提供了在Harvey Mudd学院工程项目的背景下进行VLSI设计基础和应用研究的机会.

Keeter said, “Over the summer, I will be working with Maddy Ong ’11 on designing a new course for Mudd freshmen. The course is about autonomous vehicles- small robots, powered by some kind of renewable energy, probably fuel cells or solar power.”

Keeter, a member of the Claremont Colleges Ballroom Dance Company, says he looks forward to teaching an evening lab section during the fall semester.

The Goldwater Scholars were selected on the basis of academic merit from a field of 1,111 mathematics, science, and engineering students who were nominated by the faculties of colleges and universities nationwide. One hundred fifty-six of the Scholars are men, 122 are women, and virtually all intend to obtain a PhD as their degree objective. Seventeen Scholars are mathematics majors, 199 are science and related majors, 53 are majoring in engineering, and nine are computer science majors. Many of the Scholars have dual majors in a variety of mathematics, science, engineering and computer disciplines.

Alicia Nathalie Schep ’11 (chemical biology), awarded in 2010

Alicia Schep

Schep, a chemical biology major, 他计划获得分子生物学博士学位,从事该领域的研究,然后在大学任教. 目前,她在化学教授Robert Drewell的实验室从事人类细胞中TERT基因转录调控的研究. The TERT gene encodes for the catalytic subunit of Telomerase, which contributes significantly to the ability of stem cells and cancer cells to divide indefinitely. “了解端粒酶的调节对理解细胞如何癌变很重要,” Schep said.

“I am spending a few weeks at Mudd wrapping up my research in the Drewell lab, 但我夏天的大部分时间都会在纽约大学的实验室里做研究,重点是乳腺癌细胞的转录后调控,” she said.

The Goldwater Scholars were selected on the basis of academic merit from a field of 1,111 mathematics, science, and engineering students who were nominated by the faculties of colleges and universities nationwide. One hundred fifty-six of the Scholars are men, 122 are women, and virtually all intend to obtain a PhD as their degree objective. Seventeen Scholars are mathematics majors, 199 are science and related majors, 53 are majoring in engineering, and nine are computer science majors. Many of the Scholars have dual majors in a variety of mathematics, science, engineering and computer disciplines.

Karen Morrison ’08 (chemistry), awarded in 2008


Since graduating from Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, California, receiving the Goldwater Scholarship in 2008 and earning her PhD in organic chemistry in 2013, 莫里森的职业轨迹已经从研究领域转向公共政策领域,而人类福利仍然是公共政策领域的前沿和中心.

“The Goldwater award was the first major external award that I received in my career. At the time, I was confident that I wanted to pursue a research career. In many ways, this was the first step validating and encouraging that path,” Morrison says. “I received an NSF graduate research fellowship the following year and was accepted at every graduate program I applied to; it’s likely that the Goldwater award served as confirmation of my other accomplishments.”

Today, 莫里森在加州资源回收部(CalRecycle)政策办公室工作。. She analyzes data and develops policy related to state waste management.
“I work in an area of environmental policy that is innovative, 通过加州废物的安全管理,要求智力并直接促进人类福利,” Morrison says. “So while this isn’t the career I set out to have in 2007 when I received the award, 我在研究工作中获得的培训和发展是非常重要的, and the Goldwater award was the first recognition of that.”

在担任加州科学技术委员会科学政策研究员期间,她在加州参议院环境质量委员会任职, 莫里森对地方政治产生了浓厚的兴趣,他能列举出加州立法过程中的种种怪癖.

“The politics can be challenging,” she admits,” but I think scientists increasingly recognize we’ve been absent in the political discussion.” Morrison insists the interplay between science and politics needn’t be contentious. She relishes the chance to explore the space in between them and improve the world in the process.

Morrison would like to see more STEM specialists in the political arena.

“Elected officials hold real power in enacting science-based legislation,” she says, “and this is one of the many ways that scientists can get more involved.”

Benjamin David Preskill ’09 (mathematics and physics), awarded in 2008

Preskill, a mathematics/physics major, plans to earn his PhD in applied mathematics and conduct research in computational neuroscience, a field combining physics, mathematics, computer science and neurophysiology. His goal is to teach at the university level. Sokol, who is majoring in chemistry and biology, 他计划攻读分子生物化学和药理学博士学位,并在大学水平上进行生物化学研究, primarily as a teaching professor.

The Barry M. Goldwater奖学金和卓越教育基金会在2008-09学年向来自美国的本科、大二和大三学生颁发了321份奖学金. Goldwater Scholars were selected on the basis of academic merit from a field of 1,035 mathematics, 由全国高校院系提名的理工科学生.

One hundred eighty-nine of the scholars are men, 132 are women, and virtually all intend to obtain a PhD as their degree objective. Thirty-three scholars are mathematics majors, 227 are science and related majors, 52 are majoring in engineering and 9 are computer science majors. Many of the scholars have dual majors in a variety of mathematics, science, engineering and computer disciplines.

Ethan S. Sokol ’10 (chemistry and biology), awarded in 2008

The Barry M. Goldwater奖学金和卓越教育基金会在2008-09学年向来自美国的本科、大二和大三学生颁发了321份奖学金. Goldwater Scholars were selected on the basis of academic merit from a field of 1,035 mathematics, 由全国高校院系提名的理工科学生.

One hundred eighty-nine of the scholars are men, 132 are women, and virtually all intend to obtain a PhD as their degree objective. Thirty-three scholars are mathematics majors, 227 are science and related majors, 52 are majoring in engineering and 9 are computer science majors. Many of the scholars have dual majors in a variety of mathematics, science, engineering and computer disciplines.

Brian T. Rice’08 (mathematics), awarded in 2007

Brian Rice, a mathematics major whose career goal is to earn his PhD in pure mathematics, conduct research in discrete mathematics and teach at the university level.

Peter J. Scherpelz ’08 (physics), awarded in 2007

Peter Scherpelz, a physics major whose career goal is to earn his PhD in physics, conduct research in quantum optics or a related field and teach in a university setting.

Gregory T. Minton ’08 (physics), awarded in 2006

Gregory Minton, a physics major , 他的学术兴趣范围从计算机科学的算法到纯数学的表示理论,他对数学在理论物理中的应用有着特殊的热情.

Matthew Evans ’96 (physics), awarded in 1996

马修·埃文斯(Matthew Evans)花了20年时间与同事合作,创造了一种传感器,可以探测到阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein) 100年前预测到的虚幻的引力波.

On Sept. 15, 2015, 位于利文斯顿的两个相距很远的LIGO(激光干涉仪引力波观测站)的探测器, Louisiana, and Hanford, Washington, simultaneously detected a chirping signal. They had detected gravity waves generated by the collision of two black holes 1.4 billion years ago.

Evans, an assistant professor of physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was thrilled by the incredible news.

“We really didn’t expect to have detected anything. But after I got done with a first pass through the data, by the end of the day I was pretty sure it was real,” Evans says.

Another ripple from two intersecting black holes was recorded by LIGO in December 2015, and more ripples have been recorded since.

埃文斯已经工作了20年,目标是制造一种可以探测到某些东西的干涉仪. 他说,引力波为科学家们提供了一种分析黑洞的重要手段——黑洞是死亡已久的恒星的残骸——中子星的物理结构,甚至可能是引力本身.

如果不是巴里·戈德华特奖学金和卓越教育计划,他可能永远不会参与LIGO项目. Evans left his family’s small, rural Oregon farm to attend Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, California.

“For whatever reason, 我天真地以为,当我来到哈维马德时,会有某种形式的经济援助来帮助我度过难关,” Evans said. “The Goldwater award made a huge difference, and it is quite possible that without it, I would not have been able to finish my undergraduate degree.”

After graduating from Harvey Mudd in 1996 with a B.S. in physics, Evans earned his PhD in 2002 from California Institute of Technology, where he began working on the LIGO project.

“The project leveraged my work at Harvey Mudd, but in a different context,” he says. “I wrote LIGO’s first simulation codes, not about the astrophysics but just to make the device work. There’s a lot of physics and technology that goes into the instrument itself.”

As a graduate student and then post-doc, still at Caltech, he travelled between work locations at MIT and the two LIGO sites, creating models and designing parts. He traveled to see how his parts worked on site, then redid his model and created new parts. Before starting as a research scientist at MIT in 2007, he also aided ongoing construction of a third gravitational wave observatory in Italy called Virgo. A fourth site, in Japan, is under construction.

“I spent time doing designs and construction until 2013, trying to better isolate the devices from ground motion as well as create an active, three-layer isolation system with active feedback,” he says.

With the discovery of the first direct detections, Evans says, “We now have a new way to observe black holes, mountains on neutron stars, gravitational blasts from supernovas, remnant waves of the Big Bang …” and more.